The story behind Project 7 - About us
How it all began
It all started with a simple prayer by Wilhelm Cerghit in 2017. He wanted to do more for God and His work. Inspired by a mission project in the UK, where the global bestseller "The Great Controversy" is being distributed free of charge, a great desire arose to start a similar project in German-speaking countries. Project 7 e.V. was founded in 2018 and since then we have experienced God's blessing and grace in many different ways. We firmly believe that God has even more in store.
Why the 7?
What drives us, what connects us, what we stand for
We believe that we are living in a very special time in world history and that the good news of truth and hope found in Jesus Christ is indispensable, especially today. This wonderful message of God's unconditional love has not only changed our lives, it has enriched them immeasurably.
That is why we want to help others hear this life-changing message. Besides the Word of God, the Bible, one book in particular has touched us and sharpened our discernment between good and evil: the book "The Great Controversy" - The Story of Hope. Therefore, we would like to make this unique book available to everyone free of charge and give them the opportunity to form their own opinion by taking a look behind the scenes.
We introduce ourselves
The entire team and many volunteers are dedicated to their work

Our team
The work we do is very important to all of us. At Projekt 7 e. V., all employees work on a voluntary basis to use their resources to create added value for you personally. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The real boss
The ideas and concepts, the resources, the hard-working staff - in fact, the entire association - would be useless and impossible without Him: Jesus Christ. We thank our Creator for bringing this work into being. We are only co-workers in His great work of love.