The book

A powerful witness to the truth

The Story of Hope

About the book

What do the political, economic, and religious developments that are unfolding before our eyes today mean? What are the reasons for the tremendous upheavals and the growing calls for a "new world order"? What lies ahead in the global struggle between different worldviews and religious systems in the near future? These are questions that move countless thoughtful people in our troubled times - questions that the book "From Shadow to Light" not only attempts to answer, but to which it provides answers of rare clarity and persuasiveness.

Schatten zum Licht

This book has received worldwide attention as a powerful testimony to the truth. Translated into more than 70 languages, it not only provides an impressive overview of the history of the Christian West. Above all, it reveals with prophetic insight the deeper connections in the long struggle between truth and error, light and darkness.

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Want a little foretaste?

This book is more relevant today than ever before. See for yourself and learn more about
  • The firm hope in every crisis
  • The suppression of religious freedom in the Dark Ages
  • The instructive history of the Reformation (the light shines in the darkness)
  • The dangerous deception of spiritualism
  • The recurring oppression of dissenters in a New World Order
  • The origin and glorious end of all struggle
  • The hope beyond death

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42 exciting lectures give you an in-depth insight into the topics of the world bestseller "The Great Controversy".
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