Short Videos

Are the 10 Commandments still valid for us? Did Jesus abolish the law?

Health is no coincidence - Discover the 8 healing factors for a long life

World War 3 - When will Armageddon come - the final battle?

Is the Covid vaccination the MARK of the BEAST?

Breaking the addiction - The path to freedom

BIBLE - just a book of fairy tales, right? Is the Bible still relevant today? 5 facts about the Bible

Evolution vs Creationism - Who is right?

Mass manipulation - 5 tricks Satan uses to seduce you!


Discover the power of prayer

Is heaven a reality? 10 surprising points about the sky!

The truth about Jesus

How can I be saved?

God wants to give you a gift

Where is God when I suffer?

Why do I need faith?

The battle of all ages

5 Christmas surprise

SATAN DEMASKED - Who or what is the devil?

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